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Here are some facts about the leaning tower of Pisa:

⁃ Height: 55.86m

⁃ Weight: 14,500 tonnes

⁃ Steps: 295

⁃ Incline: 3.9 degrees (post restoration)

The main fact that makes this tower notable is its biggest design flaw - the incline from miscalculating the foundation’s stability.

Sometimes, leaning into imperfections makes for the most interesting idea.

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Stock art is a certain vibe, which can be summarised as:

“Stereotypes of a genre without its spirit”

And when we take superficial details from a genre without really understanding the spirit of it, we’re probably just making stock art.

Approaching a new genre starts with understanding its spirit.

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I often think of sound passed through analogue circuits like photos on film.

The noise floor, pitch fluctuation, harmonic distortion and tapered high frequencies.

It reminds me of that romantic, nostalgic quality that only comes with those imperfections.

It’s made me wonder why so many of us are drawn to these old mediums.

And I think it’s because these rich artefacts are great metaphors for how nothing in reality is perfect.

Which feels beautiful to me.

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Perfect only exists as a concept.

The moment conceptual perfect is manifested, it’s eroded by the fabric of reality.

And so a mistake is to apply the parameters of conceptual perfect to define finished.

A more liberating approach is to assess unexpected quirks and accidents in your work to see how it can serve your message.

And if it happens to serve your message well, then there need be no reason to continue clinging onto conceptual perfect.

It already is.

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